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Management Accounting MCQs
Management Accounting MCQs with solved answers (Ratio analysis) Question 1-5
1. Ratio may be expressed in the:
(a) Pure Ratio
(b) So many times
(c) Percentage
(d) Fractions
(e) All of these
2. Which ratios is not included in the Balance Sheet ratio:
(a) Current Ratio
(b) Quick Ratio
(c) Debt Equity Ratio
(d) Debt to Total assets ratio
(e) Operating Ratio
3. Which of the following is not the statement of P&L Ratio:
(a) Gross Profit Ratio
(b) Net Profit Ratio
(c) Operating Ratio
(d) Operating Profit Ratio
(e) Proprietary Ratio
4. Which of the following includes Composite Ratio:
(a) Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio
(b) Trade Payable Turnover Ratio
(c) Working Capital Turnover Ratio
(d) Inventory Turnover Ratio
(e) All of these
5. Liquidity Ratios include:
(a) Current Ratio
(b) Quick Ratio
(c) A and B
(d) None of these
Note: Answers are ginen below at the end.
ISC Economics 12 Demand MCQs With Solved Answer
Management Accounting MCQs with solved answers (Ratio analysis) Question 6-10
6. Activity Ratio includes:
(a) Inventory Turnover Ratio
(b) Trade Payable Turnover Ratio
(c) Working Capital Turnover Ratio
(d) Trade Receivables Turnover Ratio
(e) All of these
7. Which of the following is not the statement of Profitability Ratio:
(a) Gross Profit Ratio
(b) Net Profit Ratio
(c) Return on Investment
(d) Interest Coverage Ratio
(e) Net Operating Profit Ratio
8. Which of the following is Solvany Ratio:
(a) Interest Coverage Ratio
(b) Proprietary Ratio
(c) Debt Equity Ratio
(d) Debt to Total assets ratio
(e) All of these
9. Working Capital Ratio explains the relationship between:
(a) Current Assets and Current Liability
(b) Liquid Assets and Current Liability
(c) Current Assets and Non-Current Liability
(d) Current Assets and Working Capital
10. Working Capital Turnover Ratio explains the relationship between:
(a) Revenue from Operations and Working Capital
(b) Net credit purchase and Working Capital
(c) Credit Revenue from Operations and Working Capital
(d) Revenue from Operations and Total Capital
Note: Answers are ginen below at the end.
ISC Accounts Redemption of Debentures MCQs With Solved Answer
Management Accounting MCQs with solved answers (Ratio analysis) Question 11-15
11. An Ideal current Ratio should be:
(a) 2:1
(b) 1:1
(c) 1:2
(d) None of these
12. Current Assets includes:
(a) Inventory
(b) Trade Receivable
(c) Current Investment
(d) Cash and Bank Balance
(e) All of These
13. Current Liabilities Include:
(a) Bank Overdraft
(b) Trade Payable
(c) Provision Factor
(d) Outstanding Expense
(e) All of these
14. An Ideal Liquid Ratio should be:
(a) 2:1
(b) 1:1
(c) 1:2
(d) 4:1
15. Current Assets include:
(a) Building
(b) Land
(c) Current Investments
(d) Furniture
Note: Answers are ginen below at the end.
Issue of Debentures MCQs With Solved Answer
Management Accounting MCQs with solved answers (Ratio analysis) Question 16-20
16. Items not included in liquid Assets:
(a) Inventories and Prepaid Expenses
(b) Current Investments
(c) Cash and Bank Balance
(d) Trade Receivables
17. Total Assets- 16,00,000
Fixed Assets- 10,80,000
Non Current Investment- 2,20,000
Shareholders funds- 12,00,000
Non-Current Liabilities- 1,60,000
Current Ratio-
(a) 300000/240000
(b) 520000/240000
(c) 520000/400000
(d) None of these
18. The current Ratio of a company is 2:1. Repayment of a current Liability, current tario is:
(a) Improve
(b) Reduce
(c) Not Alter
(d) None of these
Management Accounting MCQs with solved answers- Ratio analysis
19. The current Ratio of a company is 2:1. Goods purchased on credit. The revised current Ratio will be:
(a) 2:1
(b) 1:8
(c) 1:8:1
(d) None of these
20. The current Ratio of a company is 2:1. ₹50,000 cash collected from Debtors of ₹60,000 in fall find settlement Goods purchased on credit the revised. The Revised Current Ratio will be:
(a) 2:1
(b) 1:90:1
(c) 2:10:1
(d) None of these
Note: Answers are ginen below at the end.
Dissolution of partnership firm MCQs With Solved Answer 12 Cbse
Management Accounting MCQs with solved answers (Ratio analysis) Question 21-25
21. Which ratio measures the firm’s ability to meet its short term – obligations in time ?
(a) Profilabilily ratios
(b) liquidily ratios
(c) Activity ratios
(d) Solvency ratios
Management Accounting MCQs with solved answers- Ratio analysis
22. Cost Of Revenue From Operation (COGS) ?
(a) Opening Inventory + Net Purchases + Direct Expenses – Closing Inventory
(b) Opening Inventory + Net Purchases + Indirect Expenses – Closing Inventory
(c) Opening Inventory + Net Purchases + Indirect Income – Closing Inventory
(d) Opening Inventory + Purchases + Direct Expenses – Closing Inventory
23. Shareholders Fund ?
(a) Share Capital + Reserves and Surplus
(b) Total Assets – Non Current Liabilities – Current liabilities
(c) a and b
(d) None of these
24. Liquidity ratios are expressed in:
(a) Pure ratio form
(b) Percentage
(c) Rate or time
(d) None of the above
25.Liquid Ratio is also known as:
(a) Quick Ratio
(b) Acid Test Ratio
(c) a and b
(d) None of the above
Management Accounting MCQs with solved answers- Ratio analysis
Note: Answers are ginen below at the end.
Management Accounting MCQs with solved answers (Ratio analysis) Question 26-30
26. Current Ratio is also known as:
(a) Quick Ratio
(b) Acid Test Ratio
(c) Working capital Ratio
(d) None of the above
27. Revenue from operations (Sales) Rs 1,50,000
Cost of revenue from operations Rs 1,20,000
Operating expenses Rs. 15,000
Gross profit ratio and Net profit ratio will be:
(a) 20%,10%.
(b) 15%,10%.
(c) 10%,20%.
(d) 10%,10%.
Management Accounting MCQs with solved answers- Ratio analysis
28. X Ltd. has a 10% long-term loan of Rs.20,00,000. Its net profit before interest and tax was Rs. 9,00,000. Interest coverage ratio?
(a) 5 Times
(b) 4.5 Times
(c) 9 Times
(d) None of these.
29.Which Ratio is an indication of the speed with which a company collects its
(a) Debtors Tornover Ratio
(b) Creditors Tornover Ratio
(c) Stock Turnover Ratio
(d) None of these.
Management Accounting MCQs with solved answers- Ratio analysis
30.From the following information calculate opening inventory and closing inventory:
Revenue from operations (sales) during the year = Rs. 2,00,000
Gross profit on sales = 50%
Inventory turnover ratio = 4 times
If closing inventory was Rs.10,000 more than the opening inventory what will be the amount for the opening inventory and closing inventory?
(a) Rs.20,000 and Rs. 30,000
(b) Rs.30,000 and Rs. 20,000
(c) Rs.25,000 and Rs. 35,000
(d) None of these.
Answer – Question Number 1 To 30
1. Answer- (e) All of these
2. Answer- (e) Operating Ratio.
3. Answer- (e) Proprietary Ratio
4. Answer- (e) All of these
5. Answer-(c) A and B
6. Answer- (e) All of these
7. Answer- (d) Interest Coverage Ratio
8. Answer-(e) All of these
9. Answer-(a) Current Assets and Current Liability
10. Answer-(a) Revenue from Operations and Working Capital
11. Answer-(a) 2:1
12. Answer-(e) All of these.
13. Answer-(e) All of these.
14. Answer-(b) 1:1
15. Answer-(c) Current Investments
16. Answer-(a) Inventories and Prepaid Expenses
17. Answer-(a) 300000/240000
(Current Assets = Total Assets – ( Fixed Assets+Non Current Investment)
(Current Liabilities = Total Assets – (Shareholders funds + Non Current Liabilities)
18. Answer-(a) Improve
19. Answer-(c) 1:8:1
20. Answer-(b) 1:90:1
21. Answer- (b) liquidily ratios
22. Answer- (a) Opening Inventory + Net Purchases + Direct Expenses – Closing Inventory
23. Answer- (c) a and b
24. Answer- (a) Pure ratio form
25. Answer- (c) a and b
26. Answer- (c) Working capital Ratio
27. Answer- (a) 20%,10%.
28. Answer-(b) 4.5 Times
29. Answer-(a) Debtors Tornover Ratio
30. Answer-(a) Rs.20,000 and Rs. 30,000
Watch Video: ISC Accounts Fundamental of Partnership MCQs with solved answers