ISC COMMERCE Principles of Management MCQs with Solved Answers

ISC COMMERCE Principles of Management MCQs with Solved Answers

1. Which principle of management states that there should be a place for everything and everything be in its place?
(a) Equity
(b) Discipline
(c) Order
(d) Esprit de corps

2. The principle of ‘Esprit De corps’ means:
(a) Unity is strength
(b) Service is our motto
(c) Buyer beware
(d) Product is our strength

3. The characteristics of principles of management are:
(a) Universality
(b) Dynamic
(c) Contingent
(d) Train managers

4.  Which of the following is a principle not propounded by Henry Fayol: 
(a) Scalar chain
(b) Equity
(c) Order
(d) Harmony, not discord

5. In a company there are four departments finance, marketing, production and human resource development. Identify the principle of management used in this company.
(a) scalar chain

(b) Discipline

(c) Unity of command

(d) Division of work

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Note: Answers are given below at the end.

ISC COMMERCE Principles of Management MCQs with Solved Answers (Question 6 t0 10)

6. Instead of communicating to the immediate superior, an employee directly contacts the director of the company to pass on sum important details of work. Which management principle is being violated here?

(a) Discipline 

(b) Unity of Command

(c) Scalar Chain

(d) Unity of Direction

7.Principles of management provide:

(a) Rules and Regulations

(b) Methods  

(c) Procedures

(d) General Guidelines

8. Gang Plank is related with which principle of management?

(a) Unity of Direction

(b) Scalar Chain

(c) Discipline

(d) Unity of Command

9. Principles of management establishes …

(a) Cause and effect relationship.

(b) Result and effect relationship.

(c) Work and effect relationship.

(d) Object and effect relationship.

10 . “Scientific management means knowing exactly what you want men to do and seeing that they do it in the best and cheapest way”. According to…

(a) Frederick Winslow Taylor

(b) Jules Henri Fayol

(c) F.W.Rojer

(d) F.W.Fayol

Note: Answers are given below at the end.

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ISC COMMERCE Principles of Management MCQs with Solved Answers (Question 11 t0 15)

11 . The Father of Scientific Management is:

(a) Charles Babbage

(b) Henri Fayol

(c) Peter Drucker

(d) F.W. Taylor

12 . Principle of _____ states that there should be good supervisors at all levels for smooth and systematic working of an organisation.

(a) Discipline

(b) Initiative

(c) Equity

(d) Order

13 . Which of the following statement is false?

(a) Discipline requires judicious application of penalties

(b) Functional Foremanship is a part of work study

(c) Division of work leads to specialisation

(d) Unity of Direction avoids dual subordination

14 . Which of the following is not a principle of management given by Taylor:

(a) Science, not rule of the thumb

(b) Harmony, not discard

(c) Cooperation, Not individualisation

(d) Remuneration of employees

15 . Principle of management are derived and developed by: 

(a) Observation

(b) Experimentation

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

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Note: Answers are given below at the end.

ISC COMMERCE Principles of Management MCQs with Solved Answers (Question 16 t0 20)

16 .  The principle of management are significance because of:

(a) Increase in effenciency

(b) Adaptation of Changing technology

(c) Optimum utilisation of resources

(d) All of the above

17 .  Principle of management are NOT:

(a) Applicable only in large firms

(b) Formed by practice and experience of managers

(c) Flexible

(d) Contigent

18 .  Mental Revolution is based on principle of:

(a) Science not rule of thumb

(b) Harmony, not discord

(c) Cooperation, Not Individualism

(d) None of these

19 . Which of the following principle of management is given by Fayol

(a) Unity of Command

(b) Scalar Chain

(c) Centralisation and Decentralisation

(d) Order

(e) All of the above

20 .  According to principle of ‘cooperation, Not individualism’, Competition should by replaced with ____:

(a) Coopreration

(b) Harmony

(c) Coordination

(d) Management

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Note: Answers are given below at the end.

ISC COMMERCE Principles of Management MCQs with Solved Answers (Question 21 t0 25)

21 . Which of the following principle of management is given by Fayol

(a) Stability of Tenure

(b) Discipline

(c) Division of work

(d) Unity of direction

(e) All of the above

22 . Which of the following principle of management is  not given by Fayol

(a) Stability of Tenure

(b) Discipline

(c) Division of work

(d) Unity of direction

(e) Harmony, not discard

23 . Which of the following principle of management is not given by F.W.Taylor

(a) Close Co-operation between Workers and Management

(b) Discipline

(c) Scientific Selection,Training and Development of Workmen

(d) Science, not rule of thumb

(e) Harmony, not discard

24 “Work should be divided into small tasks / jobs; each performed by a specialist or trained employee”. Statement represent the principles of Management….

(a) Stability of Tenure

(b) Discipline

(c) Division of work

(d) Unity of direction

25 “Authority should go hand in hand with the responsibility for effective results.“. Statement represent the principles of Management….

(a) Stability of Tenure

(b) Discipline

(c) Division of work

(d) Authority and responsibility


Note: Answers are given below at the end.

Answer – Question Number 1To 5

1.Answer – (c) Order

2.Answer -(a) Unity is strength

3.Answer – (a) Universality

4.Answer – (d) Harmony, not discord

5.Answer – (d) Division of work

Answer – Question Number 6 To 10

6.Answer – (c) Scalar Chain

7.Answer -(d) General Guidelines

8.Answer -(b) Scalar Chain

9.Answer – (a) Cause and effect relationship.

10.Answer – (a) Frederick Winslow Taylor

Answer – Question Number 11 To 15

11.Answer – (d) F.W. Taylor

12.Answer – (a) Discipline

13.Answer – (b) Functional Foremanship is a part of work study

14.Answer – (d) Remuneration of employees

15.Answer – (c) Both (a) and (b)

Answer – Question Number 16 To 20

16.Answer – (d) All of the above

17.Answer -(a) Applicable only in large firms

18.Answer -(b) Harmony, not discord

19.Answer -(e) All of the above

20.Answer -(a) Coopreration

Answer – Question Number 21 To 25

21.Answer -(e) All of the above

22.Answer – (e) Harmony, not discard

23.Answer -(b) Discipline

24.Answer -(c) Division of work

25.Answer -(d) Authority and responsibility